Skyfire When Opportunity Knocks


Too young for clearances.


What can I say about Bam Bam?  
From the time he was just starting to toddle in the whelping box Bam Bam drew my eye.  I just love him! 

Bam Bam, half sister Siren and I spent New Years in Sunny Palm Springs (who doesn’t think it is a good idea to fly with two seven month old Labrador puppies?) and had a great trip!  

Sourthern California Sporting Dog Fanciers – 4 pt major!
 – Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best Bred By, Stacey Green, Greenstone Labradors

Kennel Club of Palm Springs
– RWD, Cindy Freeman, Quail Run Labradors

Central California LRC 
– Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes, Juan Carbonell, Loretta Labradors

Watch for Bam Bam in a ring near you!

Am/Can CH Dynamite Jack Bella Mare BISS CH Anguk Nauk (Anguiano) CH Stonenge (Anguiano) CH Lobuff Hollyridge Wizard of Oz 
Zarina (Anguiano)
Anya Stroud (Anguiano) Ch Hyspire Adrenaline Rush
Gabana Girl (Anguiano)
Pol CH Calling Vegas Bella Mare Am/Mex/Pol CH Vegas Night Bella Mare GCH CH Dickendall Buckstone Three Dog Night
Pol CH Sandamar Hyspire You’re So Vain
PinaColada Bella Mare SE CH Annual’s Play With Me
Pol CH Better Not Sell Bella Mare
Skyfire You’ve Got a Friend in Me CH Somersun Skyfire Six Shooter for Livewire RN CGC BISS GCH Nipntuck Stocking Stuffer BISS Hyspire Shahli Hotter Than Blazes
CH Blackwater’s Nipntuck Cheerleader
Somersun Classie Chassie Skyfire’s Dangerous Company
Can CH Shamrock Acres Let It Snow II
Skyfire Do The Impossible BIS/BISS GCH Shalimar’s the Animator CH Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgetable
Shalimar HySpire Biding My Time
Skyfire’s Adrenline Junkie Am/Can CH Highcaliber Labradale Expresso
Skyfire Fun On the Run